Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
13.1 | Hush 1 (O) |
2003 |
Juniorpress |
Jim Lee |
13.2 | Hush 2 (O) |
2003 |
Juniorpress |
Jim Lee |
13.3 | Hush 3 (O) |
2003 |
Juniorpress |
Jim Lee |
13.4 | Hush 4 (O) |
2003 |
Juniorpress |
Jim Lee |
13.5 | Hush 5 (O) |
2004 |
Juniorpress |
Jim Lee |
13.6 | Hush 6 (O) |
2004 |
Juniorpress |
Jim Lee |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
1.22 | Conan de barbaar (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Bob Camp [T] / Gerry Conway [N] / Michael Fleisher [S] / Pat Redding [T] / Roy Thomas [N] / Charles Vess [T] |
1.23 | Conan de barbaar (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Don Kraar [S] / Gary Kwapisz [T] / Ann Nichols [T] |
1.24 | Conan de plunderaar (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
Don Kraar [S] / John Severin [T] |
1.25 | Conan van de eilanden (O) |
1989 |
Juniorpress |
Danny Bulanadi [T] / John Buscema [T] / Armando Gil [T] / David Simons [T] / Roy Thomas [S] / Ricardo Villamonte [T] |
1.26 | Conan de barbaar en de schedel van Set (O) |
1990 |
Juniorpress |
Paul Gulacy [T] / Gary Martin [T] / Doug Moench [S] |
3.1 | Koningin van de zwarte kust (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Steve Gan [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.2 | Conan de barbaar special (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.3 | In de klauwen van de tijgerman (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Val Mayerik [T] / Roy Thomas [S] / The Tribe [T] |
3.4 | Het geheim van Astoreth (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.5 | Conand de barbaar special (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Pablo Marcos [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.6 | De heks in het moeras! (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Ernie Chan [T] / Howard Chaykin [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.7 | Zwaarden tegen magie (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Howard Chaykin [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.8 | Conan de barbaar special (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Tony DeZuniga [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.9 | Conan de barbaar tegen het ding in de crypte (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Sal Buscema [T] / Lin Carter [N] / Ernie Chan [T] / L. Sprague de Camp [N] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.10 | Klauwen in de nacht (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.11 | Dood op de Zwarte Kust!! (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.12 | De mannen die bloed drinken (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.13 | De zonen van de beer god! (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.14 | De overwinning van de beer-god! (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
Neal Adams [T] / John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Roy Thomas [S] / Len Wein [S] |
3.15 | Een demon als vader / De schim van het beest / Oorlog der magiërs (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Roy Thomas [S] |
3.16 | Als de god van de dood een teken geeft, moeten zelfs helden sterven! (O) |
1989 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / J. Marc de Matteis [S] / Bob McLeod [T] |
3.17 | Conan de barbaar special (O) |
1989 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / J. Marc de Matteis [S] / Bob McLeod [T] |
3.18 | Conan de barbaar special (O) |
1989 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / J. Marc de Matteis [S] / Bob McLeod [T] |
3.19 | De galerij van Mullah-Kajar! / Spinnen eiland / Het web sluit zich (O) |
1989 |
Juniorpress |
Brett Breeding [T] / John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Larry Hama [S] / Bruce Jones [S] |
3.20 | Conand de barbaar special nr. 20 (O) |
1990 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Bruce Jones [S] / Ricardo Villamonte [T] |
3.21 | Conan de barbaar special (O) |
1990 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Bruce Jones [S] |
3.22 | Conan de barbaar special (O) |
1990 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Michael Fleisher [S] |
3.23 | Conan de barbaar special (O) |
1990 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [TS] / Bob Camp [T] / Ernie Chan [T] / Michael Fleisher [S] / Gary Kwapisz [T] / Steve Leialoha [T] |
3.24 | Conan de barbaar special (O) |
1991 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [TS] / Ernie Chan [T] / Michael Fleisher [S] / Rudy Nebres [T] |
3.25 | Conan de barbaar special (O) |
1991 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [TS] / Michael Fleisher [S] |
3.26 | Conan de barbaar special (O) |
1991 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Michael Fleisher [S] / Armando Gil [T] / Geof Isherwood [T] / Charles Vess [T] |
3.27 | Conan de barbaar special (O) |
1991 |
Juniorpress |
John Buscema [T] / Bob Camp [T] / Michael Fleisher [S] / David Simons [T] |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
4.11 | Grafield nr. 11 (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Jim Davis |
4.17 | Judokat! (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Jim Davis |
4.20 | Kattestaart (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Jim Davis |
4.28 | Garfield nr. 28 (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
Jim Davis |
4.29 | Garfield nr. 29 (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
Jim Davis |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
2.1 | Hij is de wet (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
Brian Bolland [T] / John Wagner [S] |
2.2 | Judge Dredd (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
Brian Bolland [T] / Ron Smith [T] / John Wagner [S] |
2.3 | Judge Dredd (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
Brian Bolland [T] / Mike McMahon [T] / Pat Mills [S] |
2.4 | Judge Dredd (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Brian Bolland [T] / Mike McMahon [T] / Pat Mills [S] |
2.5 | Judge Dredd (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Mike McMahon [T] / Pat Mills [S] / John Wagner [S] |
2.6 | Judge Dredd (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Brian Bolland [T] / Dave Gibbons [T] / Mike McMahon [T] / Pat Mills [S] / John Wagner [S] |
2.7 | Judge Dredd (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Brian Bolland [T] / Brett Ewins [T] / Dave Gibbons [T] / Brendon McCarthy [T] / Mike McMahon [T] / Pat Mills [S] / John Wagner [S] |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
1.26 | De bevrijding (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.27 | De speurtocht naar de heilige graal (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.28 | Aanval op de Neveleilanden (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.29 | Gezant in Rome (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.30 | Arn als gijzelaar (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.31 | Het gote toernooi (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.32 | De wilde horde (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.33 | De zoon van de Zonnegodin (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.34 | De stammenoorlog (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.35 | Modreds wraak (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.36 | Het zwaard van de dode krijger (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.37 | De thuisreis (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.38 | De ballingen (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.39 | Intriges op Slot Marvyn (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.40 | Het vertrek van Aleta (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.41 | De slag om Dondaris (O) |
1989 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.42 | Terugkeer naar Thule (O) |
1989 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.43 | De grote teleurstelling (O) |
1989 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.44 | Karak, de reus (O) |
1989 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.45 | De verschrikkelijke vloot (O) |
1990 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.46 | De schat van de vleermuizen (O) |
1990 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.47 | De koning de minnezangers (O) |
1990 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.48 | Terugkeer naar Camelot (O) |
1990 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.49 | De gedwongen verloving (O) |
1991 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.50 | Strijd om Brittannië (O) |
1991 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.51 | Gif voor koning Arthur (O) |
1991 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.52 | De val van koning Arthur (O) |
1991 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
1.53 | Het grote verlies (O) |
1992 |
Juniorpress |
Harold Foster |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
1.1 | Spawn 1 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.2 | Spawn 2 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.3 | Spawn 3 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.4 | Spawn 4 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.5 | Spawn 5 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.6 | Spawn 6 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.7 | Spawn 7 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.8 | Spawn 8 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.9 | Spawn 9 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.10 | Spawn 10 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.11 | Spawn 11 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.12 | Spawn 12 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.13 | Spawn 13 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.14 | Spawn 14 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.15 | Spawn 15 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.16 | Spawn 16 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.17 | Spawn 17 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Greg Capullo / Todd Mc Farlane |
1.18 | Spawn 18 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Greg Capullo / Todd Mc Farlane |
1.19 | Spawn 19 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Greg Capullo / Todd Mc Farlane |
1.20 | Spawn 20 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Greg Capullo / Todd Mc Farlane |
1.21 | Spawn 21 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Greg Capullo / Todd Mc Farlane |
1.22 | Spawn 22 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Greg Capullo / Todd Mc Farlane |
1.23 | Spawn 23 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Greg Capullo / Todd Mc Farlane |
1.24 | Spawn 24 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Greg Capullo / Todd Mc Farlane |
1.25 | Spawn 25 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Greg Capullo / Todd Mc Farlane |
1.26 | Spawn 26 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Greg Capullo / Todd Mc Farlane |
1.27 | Spawn 27 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Greg Capullo / Todd Mc Farlane |
1.28 | Spawn 28 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.29 | Spawn 29 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.30 | Spawn 30 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.31 | Spawn 31 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.32 | Spawn 32 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.33 | Spawn 33 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.34 | Spawn 34 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.35 | Spawn 35 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.36 | Spawn 36 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.37 | Spawn 37 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.38 | Spawn 38 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.39 | Spawn 39 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.40 | Spawn 40 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.41 | Spawn 41 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.42 | Spawn 42 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.43 | Spawn 43 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.44 | Spawn 44 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.45 | Spawn 45 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.46 | Spawn 46 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.47 | Spawn 47 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.48 | Spawn 48 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.49 | Spawn 49 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.50 | Spawn 50 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.51 | Spawn 51 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.52 | Spawn 52 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.53 | Spawn 53 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.54 | Spawn 54 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.55 | Spawn 55 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.56 | Spawn 56 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.57 | Spawn 57 (O) |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.58 | Spawn 58 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane |
1.59 | Spawn 59 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Todd Mc Farlane / David Hine / Brian Holguin / Angel Medina / Philip Tan |
1.60 | Spawn 60 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
David Hine / Philip Tan |
1.61 | Spawn 61 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
David Hine / Philip Tan |
1.62 | Spawn 62 (O) |
2007 |
Juniorpress |
David Hine / Philip Tan |
1.63 | Spawn 63 (O) |
2007 |
Juniorpress |
David Hine / Philip Tan |
1.64 | Spawn 64 (O) |
2007 |
Juniorpress |
David Hine / Philip Tan |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
1.1 | Spiderman 1 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.2 | Spiderman 2 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.3 | Spiderman 3 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.4 | Spiderman 4 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.5 | Spiderman 5 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.6 | Spiderman 6 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.7 | Spiderman 7 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.8 | Spiderman 8 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.9 | Spiderman 9 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.10 | Spiderman 10 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.11 | Spiderman 11 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.12 | Spiderman 12 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.13 | Spiderman 13 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.14 | Spiderman 14 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.15 | Spiderman 15 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.16 | Spiderman 16 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.17 | Spiderman 17 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.18 | Spiderman 18 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.19 | Spiderman 19 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.20 | Spiderman 20 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.21 | Spiderman 21 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.22 | Spiderman 22 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.23 | Spiderman 23 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.24 | Spiderman 24 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.25 | Spiderman 25 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.26 | Spiderman 26 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.27 | Spiderman 27 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.28 | Spiderman 28 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.29 | Spiderman 29 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.30 | Spiderman 30 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.31 | Spiderman 31 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.32 | Spiderman 32 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.33 | Spiderman 33 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.34 | Spiderman 34 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.35 | Spiderman 35 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.36 | Spiderman 36 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.37 | Spiderman 37 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.38 | Spiderman 38 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.39 | Spiderman 39 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.40 | Spiderman 40 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.41 | Spiderman 41 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.42 | Spiderman 42 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.43 | Spiderman 43 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.44 | Spiderman 44 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.45 | Spiderman 45 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.46 | Spiderman 46 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.47 | Spiderman 47 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.48 | Spiderman 48 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.49 | Spiderman 49 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.50 | Spiderman 50 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.51 | Spiderman 51 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.52 | Spiderman 52 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.53 | Spiderman 53 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.54 | Spiderman 54 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.55 | Spiderman 55 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.56 | Spiderman 56 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.57 | Spiderman 57 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.58 | Spiderman 58 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.59 | Spiderman 59 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.60 | Spiderman 60 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.61 | Spiderman 61 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.62 | Spiderman 62 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.63 | Spiderman 63 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.64 | Spiderman 64 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.65 | Spiderman 65 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.66 | Spiderman 66 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.67 | Spiderman 67 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.68 | Spiderman 68 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.69 | Spiderman 69 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.70 | Spiderman 70 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.71 | Spiderman 71 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.72 | Spiderman 72 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.73 | Spiderman 73 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.74 | Spiderman 74 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.75 | Spiderman 75 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.76 | Spiderman 76 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.77 | Spiderman 77 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.78 | Spiderman 78 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.79 | Spiderman 79 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.80 | Spiderman 80 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.81 | Spiderman 81 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.82 | Spiderman 82 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.83 | Spiderman 83 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.84 | Spiderman 84 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.85 | Spiderman 85 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.86 | Spiderman 86 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.87 | Spiderman 87 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.88 | Spiderman 88 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.89 | Spiderman 89 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.90 | Spiderman 90 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.91 | Spiderman 91 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.92 | Spiderman 92 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.93 | Spiderman 93 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.94 | Spiderman 94 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.95 | Spiderman 95 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.96 | Spiderman 96 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.97 | Spiderman 97 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.98 | Spiderman 98 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.99 | Spiderman 99 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.100 | Spiderman 100 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.101 | Spiderman 101 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.102 | Spiderman 102 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.103 | Spiderman 103 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.104 | Spiderman 104 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.105 | Spiderman 105 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.106 | Spiderman 106 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.107 | Spiderman 107 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.108 | Spiderman 108 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.109 | Spiderman 109 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.110 | Spiderman 110 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.111 | Spiderman 111 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.112 | Spiderman 112 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.113 | Spiderman 113 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.114 | Spiderman 114 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.115 | Spiderman 115 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.116 | Spiderman 116 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.117 | Spiderman 117 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.118 | Spiderman 118 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.119 | Spiderman 119 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.120 | Spiderman 120 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.121 | Spiderman 121 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.122 | Spiderman 122 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.123 | Spiderman 123 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.124 | Spiderman 124 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.125 | Spiderman 125 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.126 | Spiderman 126 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Karl Kesel / J. Michael Straczynski / Mike Wieringo |
1.127 | Spiderman 127 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.128 | Spiderman 128 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Mike Deodato Jr. / Reginald Hudlin / Pat Lee / J. Michael Straczynski |
1.129 | Spiderman 129 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Ron Garney / J. Michael Straczynski |
1.130 | Spiderman 130 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa / Tyler Kirkham / Angel Medina / J. Michael Straczynski |
1.131 | Spiderman 131 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa / Tyler Kirkham / Angel Medina / J. Michael Straczynski |
1.132 | Spiderman 132 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa / Clayton Crain / Ron Garney / J. Michael Straczynski |
1.133 | Spiderman 133 (O) |
2007 |
Juniorpress |
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa / Ron Garney / Angel Medina / J. Michael Straczynski |
1.134 | Spiderman 134 (O) |
2007 |
Juniorpress |
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa / Ron Garney / Angel Medina / J. Michael Straczynski |
1.135 | Spiderman 135 (O) |
2007 |
Juniorpress |
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa / Ron Garney / Angel Medina / J. Michael Straczynski |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
1.1 | Star trek the next generation (O) |
1996 |
Juniorpress |
Michael Jan Friedman [S] / Pablo Marcos [T] |
1.2 | In de val! (O) |
1996 |
Juniorpress |
Michael Jan Friedman [S] / Pablo Marcos [T] |
1.3 | Star trek the next generation (O) |
1996 |
Juniorpress |
Michael Jan Friedman [S] / Pablo Marcos [T] |
1.4 | Star trek the next generation (O) |
1996 |
Juniorpress |
Michael Jan Friedman [S] / Pablo Marcos [T] / Gordon Purcell [T] |
1.5 | Star trek the next generation (O) |
1996 |
Juniorpress |
Michael Jan Friedman [S] / Pablo Marcos [T] |
1.6 | "... dat is de Enterprise!" (O) |
1996 |
Juniorpress |
Michael Jan Friedman [S] / Pablo Marcos [T] |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
1.2 | De terugkeer van de Jedi (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Ron Frenz / Carlos Garzon / Archie Goodwin / George Lucas [N] / Tom Palmer / Al Williamson |
2.1 | Star wars nr. 1 (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(onbekend) / George Lucas [N] |
2.2 | Het duel met Darth Vader (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
Howard Chaykin / Steve Leialoha / George Lucas [N] / Roy Thomas |
2.3 | Luke Skywalker versus Darth Vader! (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
Howard Chaykin / Steve Leialoha / George Lucas [N] / Roy Thomas |
2.4 | Han Solo en Chewbacca in een wereld zonder wetten!! (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
Howard Chaykin / George Lucas [N] / Frank Springer / Roy Thomas |
2.5 | Star wars (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
Howard Chaykin / George Lucas [N] / Tom Palmer / Roy Thomas |
2.6 | Speurtocht naar een ster (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
Terry Austin / Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] |
2.7 | Oorlog tegen de draken (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
Terry Austin / Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] |
2.8 | Sterrenstrijd (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
Terry Austin / Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] |
2.9 | Intriges op het Wiel! (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Gene Day / Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] |
2.10 | Het onheil nadert! (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] / Bob Wiacek |
2.11 | Star wars (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] / Bob Wiacek |
2.12 | Reis naar het verleden (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Chris Claremont / Archie Goodwin / George Lucas [N] / Allen Milgrom / Herb Trimpe |
2.13 | De belegering van Yavin! (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Gene Day / Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] |
2.14 | Star wars (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] / Bob Wiacek |
2.15 | Een prinses alleen!! (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] / Bob Wiacek |
2.16 | Star wars (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] / Bob Wiacek |
2.17 | Star wars (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Gene Day / Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] |
2.18 | De valstrik van Darth Vader (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Gene Day / Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] |
2.19 | Het duel (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Gene Day / Michael Golden / Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] |
2.20 | De super-robot (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / Wally Lombego / George Lucas [N] |
2.21 | De robotplaneet (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
Gene Day / Archie Goodwin / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] |
2.22 | De derde wet! (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
Carlos Garzon / Larry Hama / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas |
2.23 | Star wars (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
George Lucas [N] / David Michelinie / Walter Simonson |
2.24 | Star wars (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
Chris Claremont / Carmine Infantino / George Lucas [N] / Walter Simonson |
3.1 | Star wars special (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
George Lucas [N] / David Michelinie / Tom Palmer / Walter Simonson |
3.2 | Star wars special (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
George Lucas [N] / David Michelinie / Tom Palmer / Walter Simonson |
3.3 | Star wars special (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
George Lucas [N] / David Michelinie / Tom Palmer / Walter Simonson |
3.4 | Star wars special (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
Joe Brozowksy / Michael Fleisher / George Lucas [N] / David Michelinie / Tom Palmer / Walter Simonson |
3.5 | Star wars special (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Gene Day / Ron Frenz / George Lucas [N] / David Michelinie / Tom Palmer |
3.6 | Star wars special (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Mary Jo Duffy / Kerry Gammill / George Lucas [N] / Tom Palmer |
3.7 | Star wars special (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Mary Jo Duffy / Ron Frenz / George Lucas [N] / Tom Palmer |
3.8 | Star wars special (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Mary Jo Duffy / Ron Frenz / George Lucas [N] / Luke McDonnell / David Michelinie / Tom Palmer |
3.9 | Star wars special (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Mary Jo Duffy / Ron Frenz / George Lucas [N] / Tom Palmer |
3.10 | Star wars special (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Mary Jo Duffy / Ron Frenz / Linda Grant / M. Hands / George Lucas [N] / David Mazzucchelli / Bob McLeod / Roy Richardson |
3.11 | Star wars special (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
Mary Jo Duffy / Michael Higgins / George Lucas [N] / Bob McLeod / Tom Palmer / Randy Stradley |
3.12 | Star wars special (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
Bret Blevins / Mary Jo Duffy / George Lucas [N] / Bob McLeod / Ann Nocenti / Tom Palmer |
3.13 | Star wars special (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
Mary Jo Duffy / Jan Duursema / George Lucas [N] / Tom Palmer / Tony Salmons |
3.14 | Star wars special (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
Sal Buscema / Mary Jo Duffy / Archie Goodwin / George Lucas [N] / Cynthia Martin / Tom Palmer / Al Williamson |
3.15 | Star wars special (O) |
1987 |
Juniorpress |
Mary Jo Duffy / Steve Leialoha / George Lucas [N] / Cynthia Martin / Ann Nichols |
3.16 | Star wars special (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
Sam DeLaRosa / Mary Jo Duffy / Ron Frenz / George Lucas [N] / Cynthia Martin / Ann Nichols |
3.17 | Star wars special (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
Sal Buscema / Sam DeLaRosa / Mary Jo Duffy / George Lucas [N] / Cynthia Martin / Ann Nichols |
3.18 | Star wars special (O) |
1988 |
Juniorpress |
Mary Jo Duffy / George Lucas / Cynthia Martin / Whilce Portacio |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
8.1 | Misdadig complot! (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
Terry Austin [T] / John Buscema [T] / Klaus Janson [T] / Bob Layton [T] / Steve Leialoha [T] / Bob McLeod [T] / Allen Milgrom [T] / Joe Rubinstein [T] / Jim Shooter [S] / Walter Simonson [T] / Joe Sinnott [T] / Bob Wiacek [T] |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
13.1 | Tarzan nr. 1 (O) |
1979 |
Atlantic / Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.2 | Tarzan nr. 2 (O) |
1979 |
Atlantic / Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.3 | Tarzan nr. 3 (O) |
1979 |
Atlantic / Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.4 | Tarzan nr. 4 (O) |
1979 |
Atlantic / Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.5 | Tarzan nr. 5 (O) |
1979 |
Atlantic / Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.6 | Tarzan nr. 6 (O) |
1979 |
Atlantic / Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.7 | Tarzan nr. 7 (O) |
1979 |
Atlantic / Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.8 | Tarzan nr. 8 (O) |
1979 |
Atlantic / Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.9 | De slangenkoning / De koorddanser (O) |
1979 |
Atlantic / Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.10 | Drie spannende avonturen (O) |
1979 |
Atlantic / Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.11 | De onzichtbare moordenaar / Duik naar de dood (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.12 | Boogschutter van de dood (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.13 | ? (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.14 | Het land van de vergeten mensen / De diamantberg / Het oog van Zoltar (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.15 | Het aambeeld van de duivel / Beschuldigd van moord! (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.16 | Gijzelaars van de dictator (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.17 | ? (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.18 | De laatste Kaluca-krijger / De Mashanda-tempel (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.19 | Het jeugdleger van Tarzan / De vliegende val (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.20 | De verdwenen man / De jacht naar de eeuwigheid (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.21 | Het dagboek van John Slessinger / Meester der adelaars (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.22 | Dood de heer van de jungle! / Overstekende olifanten! (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.23 | Het jungle-leger / Apestreken (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.24 | 3 spannende avonturen! (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.25 | (+26) De overval op het geldtransport / Het teken van de vuurgod / Verdacht van moord! (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.27 | Het boommonster / Het jonge opperhoofd (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.28 | De rivierduivel / De doemtrommen (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.29 | Ontsnapt / Het teken van de luipaard (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.30 | Stammenoorlog / Het zwaard van Balgar / Spinnewebben (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.31 | De dag dat de aarde rommelde... / Doemkasteel! (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.32 | Duikboot vermist! / De kampioen (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.33 | Koningin van het meer / Het ergste beest van allemaal (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.34 | De baai der smarten / Vergeten soldaten (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.35 | Met 6 zeer spannende avonturen (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.36 | De terugkeer van de koning / De komst van Xingatu (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.37 | ? (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.38 | Tarzan nr. 38 (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.39 | Gevaar uit het graf / De vogelman (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.40 | Slachting in Kigoma / De vuurvinger (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.41 | Tarzan (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.42 | Eiland der verschrikkingen / De witte aap (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.43 | Aan de rand van het graf / Het olympische team (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.44 | Tarzan special nummer 44 (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.45 | De epidemie / Kostbaarder dan het leven (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.46 | Maginga herleeft / De beer en het orgel (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.47 | De boogschutters / Levend doelwit (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.48 | 3 spannende jungleavonturen (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.49 | Tarzan special nummer 49 (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.50 | De witte veer / De spooklagune (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.51 | De gift der goden / De sprinkhaanstam (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.52 | ? (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.53 | De laatste zandkorrel / De heilige reis (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.54 | De spookkrijgers / Onschuldig veroordeeld (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.55 | Tarzan nummer 55 (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.56 | Tarzan nummer 56 (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.57 | Het rovershol / Bloedrivier (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.58 | Tarzan nummer 58 (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.59 | Bizarre kunst / Heksen magie (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.60 | Zwarte magie / Goudkoorts (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.61 | ? (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.62 | Tarzan nummer 62 (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.63 | De heilige koe / De vrouwen van Wolando (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.64 | 2 spannende jungle-avonturen (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.65 | De meester der jungle-avonturen (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.66 | Tarzan nummer 66 (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.67 | De gruwelijke graaf Zvork (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
13.68 | De meester der jungle-avonturen (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
14.1 | 'Monsters uit de oertijd' (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
Edgar Rice Burroughs [N] / Russ Manning [TS] |
14.2 | De brug der tranen (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
Edgar Rice Burroughs [N] / J. Brocal Remohi [TS] |
14.3 | Het levensmeer (O) |
1979 |
Juniorpress |
Edgar Rice Burroughs [N] / José Ortiz Moya (Moya) [TS] |
14.4 | Jacht op het Inca-goud (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
Edgar Rice Burroughs [N] / J. Brocal Remohi [TS] |
14.5 | Diamanten (O) |
1980 |
Juniorpress |
Edgar Rice Burroughs [N] / José Ortiz Moya (Moya) [TS] |
14.6 | De Dragon-monsters (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
Edgar Rice Burroughs [N] / J. Brocal Remohi [TS] |
14.7 | Het nachtcommando / Van de dood gered (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
Edgar Rice Burroughs [N] / F.J. Gonzalez [TS] |
14.8 | De zwarte adelaar (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(?) / Edgar Rice Burroughs [N] |
14.9 | Atoomstad / De fakkelmannen (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
(?) / Edgar Rice Burroughs [N] |
14.10 | Race tegen de tijd!! (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
Edgar Rice Burroughs [N] / José Ortiz Moya (Moya) [TS] |
15.1 | Tarzan special nummer 1 (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.2 | Tarzan special nummer 2 (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.3 | Tarzan special nummer 3 (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.4 | Tarzan special nummer 4 (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.5 | De afrekening / De nacht der tanden (O) |
1981 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.6 | ? (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.7 | Tarzan special nr. 7 (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.8 | De meester der jungle-avonturen (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.9 | ? (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.10 | ? (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.11 | Tarzan special nummer 11 (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.12 | ? (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.13 | De stalen moordenaar / Keizer des doods / Bulldozers (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.14 | Drie spannende jungle-avonturen (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.15 | Tarzan special nummer 15 (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.16 | Diamanten vermist! / Slavenhandel (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.17 | Tarzan special nummer 17 (O) |
1982 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.18 | Tarzan special nummer 18 (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.19 | Tarzan special nummer 19 (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.20 | Tarzan special nummer 20 (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.21 | Tarzan special nummer 21 (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.22 | De geheime tempel van Salamo! / De wraak van de godin! (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.23 | Tarzan special nummer 23 (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.24 | Tarzan special nummer 24 (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.25 | "Ur" een verloren stad (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.26 | ? (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.27 | De diamantmijn (O) |
1983 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.28 | De geesten in Mangara / Het geheim van de wandelende bomen (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.29 | De wraaknemer / Het slangenvolk / De wacht van Sabor (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.30 | Tarzan special nummer 30 (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.31 | Tarzan special nummer 31 (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.32 | Tarzan special nummer 32 (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.33 | De ridders van Nimmr / Langs de Amazone / Kroko's woede / Juwelen uit het stenen tijdperk (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.34 | Brug der tranen / Bloedvallei (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.35 | Aanval op Talamuna / Blinde razernij (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.36 | De slangenkoning / Het lange graf / Tarzan, het idool (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.37 | Tarzan special nummer 37 (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.38 | Tarzan special nummer 38 (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.39 | De dag dat de aarde rommelde / Het jonge opperhoofd / Duikboot vermist (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.40 | Tarzan super special nummer 40 (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.41 | 3 nieuwe avonturen (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
15.42 | 3 nieuwe avonturen (O) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
18.1 | De vallei des doods (O) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
Edgar Rice Burroughs [N] / Demetrio / Lee Elias |
19.1 | Tarzan (O) |
1992 |
Juniorpress |
Henning Kure [S] / Heff Munson [S] / Thomas Yeates [TS] |
19.2 | Tarzan (O) |
1992 |
Juniorpress |
Henning Kure [S] / Heff Munson [S] / Thomas Yeates [TS] |
19.3 | De lokroep / Glitterstad (O) |
1992 |
Juniorpress |
Henning Kure [S] / Heff Munson [S] / Damon Willis [TS] / Thomas Yeates [TS] |
19.4 | Tarzan (O) |
1992 |
Juniorpress |
Alan Gross [TS] / Henning Kure [S] / Heff Munson [S] / Thomas Yeates [TS] |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
1.1 | Tarzan omnibus 1 (O) (bundeling 15.11, 15.13, 15.15) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.2 | Tarzan omnibus 2 (O) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.3 | Tarzan omnibus 3 (O) (bundeling 15.17, 15.18, 15.19) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.4 | Tarzan omnibus 4 (O) (bundeling 15.20, 15.21, 15.24) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.5 | Tarzan omnibus 5 (O) (bundeling 15.22, 15.23, 15.25) |
1984 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.6 | Tarzan omnibus 6 (O) (bundeling 15.27, 15.28, 15.29) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.7 | Tarzan omnibus 7 (O) (bundeling 15.30, 15.31, 15.32) |
1985 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.8 | Tarzan omnibus 8 (O) (bundeling 15.33, 15.35, 15.36) |
1986 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
1.1 | Wolverine 1 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.2 | Wolverine 2 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.3 | Wolverine 3 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.4 | Wolverine 4 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.5 | Wolverine 5 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.6 | Wolverine 6 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.7 | Wolverine 7 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.8 | Wolverine 8 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.9 | Wolverine 9 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.10 | Wolverine 10 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.11 | Wolverine 11 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.12 | Wolverine 12 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.13 | Wolverine 13 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.14 | Wolverine 14 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.15 | Wolverine 15 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.16 | Wolverine 16 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.17 | Wolverine 17 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.18 | Wolverine 18 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.19 | Wolverine 19 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.20 | Wolverine 20 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.21 | Wolverine 21 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.22 | Wolverine 22 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.23 | Wolverine 23 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.24 | Wolverine 24 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.25 | Wolverine 25 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.26 | Wolverine 26 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.27 | Wolverine 27 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.28 | Wolverine 28 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.29 | Wolverine 29 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.30 | Wolverine 30 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.31 | Wolverine 31 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.32 | Wolverine 32 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.33 | Wolverine 33 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.34 | Wolverine 34 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.35 | Wolverine 35 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.36 | Wolverine 36 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.37 | Wolverine 37 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.38 | Wolverine 38 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.39 | Wolverine 39 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.40 | Wolverine 40 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.41 | Wolverine 41 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.42 | Wolverine 42 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.43 | Wolverine 43 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.44 | Wolverine 44 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.45 | Wolverine 45 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.46 | Wolverine 46 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.47 | Wolverine 47 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.48 | Wolverine 48 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.49 | Wolverine 49 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.50 | Wolverine 50 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.51 | Wolverine 51 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.52 | Wolverine 52 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.53 | Wolverine 53 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.54 | Wolverine 54 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.55 | Wolverine 55 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.56 | Wolverine 56 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.57 | Wolverine 57 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.58 | Wolverine 58 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.59 | Wolverine 59 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.60 | Wolverine 60 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.61 | Wolverine 61 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.62 | Wolverine 62 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.63 | Wolverine 63 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.64 | Wolverine 64 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.65 | Wolverine 65 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.66 | Wolverine 66 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.67 | Wolverine 67 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.68 | Wolverine 68 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.69 | Wolverine 69 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.70 | Wolverine 70 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.71 | Wolverine 71 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.72 | Wolverine 72 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.73 | Wolverine 73 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.74 | Wolverine 74 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.75 | Wolverine 75 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.76 | Wolverine 76 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.77 | Wolverine 77 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.78 | Wolverine 78 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.79 | Wolverine 79 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.80 | Wolverine 80 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.81 | Wolverine 81 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.82 | Wolverine 82 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.83 | Wolverine 83 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.84 | Wolverine 84 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.85 | Wolverine 85 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.86 | Wolverine 86 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.87 | Wolverine 87 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.88 | Wolverine 88 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Marc Guggenheim / Humberto Ramos |
1.89 | Wolverine 89 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Marc Guggenheim / Humberto Ramos |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
1.1 | X-Mannen 1 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.2 | X-Mannen 2 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.3 | X-Mannen 3 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.4 | X-Mannen 4 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.5 | X-Mannen 5 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.6 | X-Mannen 6 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.7 | X-Mannen 7 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.8 | X-Mannen 8 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.9 | X-Mannen 9 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.10 | X-Mannen 10 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.11 | X-Mannen 11 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.12 | X-Mannen 12 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.13 | X-Mannen 13 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.14 | X-Mannen 14 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.15 | X-Mannen 15 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.16 | X-Mannen 16 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.17 | X-Mannen 17 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.18 | X-Mannen 18 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.19 | X-Mannen 19 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.20 | X-Mannen 20 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.21 | X-Mannen 21 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.22 | X-Mannen 22 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.23 | X-Mannen 23 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.24 | X-Mannen 24 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.25 | X-Mannen 25 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.26 | X-Mannen 26 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.27 | X-Mannen 27 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.28 | X-Mannen 28 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.29 | X-Mannen 29 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.30 | X-Mannen 30 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.31 | X-Mannen 31 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.32 | X-Mannen 32 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.33 | X-Mannen 33 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.34 | X-Mannen 34 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.35 | X-Mannen 35 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.36 | X-Mannen 36 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.37 | X-Mannen 37 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.38 | X-Mannen 38 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.39 | X-Mannen 39 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.40 | X-Mannen 40 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.41 | X-Mannen 41 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.42 | X-Mannen 42 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.43 | X-Mannen 43 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.44 | X-Mannen 44 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.45 | X-Mannen 45 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.46 | X-Mannen 46 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.47 | X-Mannen 47 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.48 | X-Mannen 48 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.49 | X-Mannen 49 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.50 | X-Mannen 50 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.51 | X-Mannen 51 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.52 | X-Mannen 52 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.53 | X-Mannen 53 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.54 | X-Mannen 54 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.55 | X-Mannen 55 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.56 | X-Mannen 56 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.57 | X-Mannen 57 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.58 | X-Mannen 58 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.59 | X-Mannen 59 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.60 | X-Mannen 60 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.61 | X-Mannen 61 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.62 | X-Mannen 62 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.63 | X-Mannen 63 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.64 | X-Mannen 64 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.65 | X-Mannen 65 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.66 | X-Mannen 66 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.67 | X-Mannen 67 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.68 | X-Mannen 68 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.69 | X-Mannen 69 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.70 | X-Mannen 70 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.71 | X-Mannen 71 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.72 | X-Mannen 72 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.73 | X-Mannen 73 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.74 | X-Mannen 74 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.75 | X-Mannen 75 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.76 | X-Mannen 76 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.77 | X-Mannen 77 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.78 | X-Mannen 78 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.79 | X-Mannen 79 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.80 | X-Mannen 80 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.81 | X-Mannen 81 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.82 | X-Mannen 82 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.83 | X-Mannen 83 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.84 | X-Mannen 84 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.85 | X-Mannen 85 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.86 | X-Mannen 86 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.87 | X-Mannen 87 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.88 | X-Mannen 88 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.89 | X-Mannen 89 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.90 | X-Mannen 90 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.91 | X-Mannen 91 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.92 | X-Mannen 92 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.93 | X-Mannen 93 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.94 | X-Mannen 94 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.95 | X-Mannen 95 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.96 | X-Mannen 96 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.97 | X-Mannen 97 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.98 | X-Mannen 98 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.99 | X-Mannen 99 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.100 | X-Mannen 100 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.101 | X-Mannen 101 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.102 | X-Mannen 102 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.103 | X-Mannen 103 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.104 | X-Mannen 104 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.105 | X-Mannen 105 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.106 | X-Mannen 106 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.107 | X-Mannen 107 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.108 | X-Mannen 108 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.109 | X-Mannen 109 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.110 | X-Mannen 110 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.111 | X-Mannen 111 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.112 | X-Mannen 112 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.113 | X-Mannen 113 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.114 | X-Mannen 114 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.115 | X-Mannen 115 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.116 | X-Mannen 116 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.117 | X-Mannen 117 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.118 | X-Mannen 118 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.119 | X-Mannen 119 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.120 | X-Mannen 120 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.121 | X-Mannen 121 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.122 | X-Mannen 122 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.123 | X-Mannen 123 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.124 | X-Mannen 124 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.125 | X-Mannen 125 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.126 | X-Mannen 126 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.127 | X-Mannen 127 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.128 | X-Mannen 128 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.129 | X-Mannen 129 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.130 | X-Mannen 130 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.131 | X-Mannen 131 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.132 | X-Mannen 132 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.133 | X-Mannen 133 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.134 | X-Mannen 134 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.135 | X-Mannen 135 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.136 | X-Mannen 136 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.137 | X-Mannen 137 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.138 | X-Mannen 138 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.139 | X-Mannen 139 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.140 | X-Mannen 140 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.141 | X-Mannen 141 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.142 | X-Mannen 142 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.143 | X-Mannen 143 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.144 | X-Mannen 144 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.145 | X-Mannen 145 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.146 | X-Mannen 146 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.147 | X-Mannen 147 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.148 | X-Mannen 148 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.149 | X-Mannen 149 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.150 | X-Mannen 150 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.151 | X-Mannen 151 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.152 | X-Mannen 152 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.153 | X-Mannen 153 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.154 | X-Mannen 154 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.155 | X-Mannen 155 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.156 | X-Mannen 156 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.157 | X-Mannen 157 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.158 | X-Mannen 158 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.159 | X-Mannen 159 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.160 | X-Mannen 160 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.161 | X-Mannen 161 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.162 | X-Mannen 162 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.163 | X-Mannen 163 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.164 | X-Mannen 164 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.165 | X-Mannen 165 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.166 | X-Mannen 166 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.167 | X-Mannen 167 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.168 | X-Mannen 168 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.169 | X-Mannen 169 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.170 | X-Mannen 170 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.171 | X-Mannen 171 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.172 | X-Mannen 172 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.173 | X-Mannen 173 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.174 | X-Mannen 174 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.175 | X-Mannen 175 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.176 | X-Mannen 176 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.177 | X-Mannen 177 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.178 | X-Mannen 178 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.179 | X-Mannen 179 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.180 | X-Mannen 180 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.181 | X-Mannen 181 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.182 | X-Mannen 182 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.183 | X-Mannen 183 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.184 | X-Mannen 184 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.185 | X-Mannen 185 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.186 | X-Mannen 186 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.187 | X-Mannen 187 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.188 | X-Mannen 188 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.189 | X-Mannen 189 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.190 | X-Mannen 190 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.191 | X-Mannen 191 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.192 | X-Mannen 192 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.193 | X-Mannen 193 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.194 | X-Mannen 194 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.195 | X-Mannen 195 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.196 | X-Mannen 196 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.197 | X-Mannen 197 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.198 | X-Mannen 198 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.199 | X-Mannen 199 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.200 | X-Mannen 200 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.201 | X-Mannen 201 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.202 | X-Mannen 202 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.203 | X-Mannen 203 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.204 | X-Mannen 204 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.205 | X-Mannen 205 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.206 | X-Mannen 206 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.207 | X-Mannen 207 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.208 | X-Mannen 208 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.209 | X-Mannen 209 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.210 | X-Mannen 210 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.211 | X-Mannen 211 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.212 | X-Mannen 212 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.213 | X-Mannen 213 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.214 | X-Mannen 214 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.215 | X-Mannen 215 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.216 | X-Mannen 216 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.217 | X-Mannen 217 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.218 | X-Mannen 218 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.219 | X-Mannen 219 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.220 | X-Mannen 220 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.221 | X-Mannen 221 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.222 | X-Mannen 222 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.223 | X-Mannen 223 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.224 | X-Mannen 224 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.225 | X-Mannen 225 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.226 | X-Mannen 226 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.227 | X-Mannen 227 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.228 | X-Mannen 228 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.229 | X-Mannen 229 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.230 | X-Mannen 230 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.231 | X-Mannen 231 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.232 | X-Mannen 232 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.233 | X-Mannen 233 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.234 | X-Mannen 234 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.235 | X-Mannen 235 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.236 | X-Mannen 236 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.237 | X-Mannen 237 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.238 | X-Mannen 238 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.239 | X-Mannen 239 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.240 | X-Mannen 240 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.241 | X-Mannen 241 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.242 | X-Mannen 242 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.243 | X-Mannen 243 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.244 | X-Mannen 244 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.245 | X-Mannen 245 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.246 | X-Mannen 246 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.247 | X-Mannen 247 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.248 | X-Mannen 248 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.249 | X-Mannen 249 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.250 | X-Mannen 250 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.251 | X-Mannen 251 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.252 | X-Mannen 252 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.253 | X-Mannen 253 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.254 | X-Mannen 254 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.255 | X-Mannen 255 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.256 | X-Mannen 256 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.257 | X-Mannen 257 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.258 | X-Mannen 258 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.259 | X-Mannen 259 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.260 | X-Mannen 260 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.261 | X-Mannen 261 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.262 | X-Mannen 262 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.263 | X-Mannen 263 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.264 | X-Mannen 264 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.265 | X-Mannen 265 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.266 | X-Mannen 266 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.267 | X-Mannen 267 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.268 | X-Mannen 268 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.269 | X-Mannen 269 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.270 | X-Mannen 270 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.271 | X-Mannen 271 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.272 | X-Mannen 272 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.273 | X-Mannen 273 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.274 | X-Mannen 274 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.275 | X-Mannen 275 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.276 | X-Mannen 276 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.277 | X-Mannen 277 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.278 | X-Mannen 278 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.279 | X-Mannen 279 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.280 | X-Mannen 280 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.281 | X-Mannen 281 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.282 | X-Mannen 282 (O) |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.283 | X-Mannen 283 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.284 | X-Mannen 284 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.285 | X-Mannen 285 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.286 | X-Mannen 286 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.287 | X-Mannen 287 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
John Cassaday / Laura Martin / Joss Whedon |
1.288 | X-Mannen 288 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
(diverse) |
1.289 | X-Mannen 289 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
John Cassaday / Laura Martin / Joss Whedon |
1.290 | X-Mannen 290 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
John Cassaday / Laura Martin / Joss Whedon |
1.291 | X-Mannen 291 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Chris Bachalo / Chris Claremont / Salvador Larroca / Peter Milligan |
1.292 | X-Mannen 292 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Chris Bachalo / Chris Claremont / Salvador Larroca / Peter Milligan |
1.293 | X-Mannen 293 (O) |
2006 |
Juniorpress |
Chris Bachalo / Chris Claremont / Salvador Larroca / Peter Milligan |
1.294 | X-Mannen 294 (O) |
2007 |
Juniorpress |
Chris Claremont / John Sibal / Billy Tan |
1.295 | X-Mannen 295 (O) |
2007 |
Juniorpress |
Chris Bachalo / Tony Bedard / Chris Claremont / Billy Tan |
1.296 | X-Mannen 296 (O) |
2007 |
Juniorpress |
Tony Bedard / Chris Claremont / Roger Cruz / Victor Olazaba |
Softcover |
Scans | Jaar | Uitgever(s) | Auteur(s) | Bestel |
5.1 | Zorro (O) |
1991 |
Juniorpress |
Mario Capaldi [T] / Ian Rimmer [S] |
5.2 | Zorro (O) |
1991 |
Juniorpress |
Mario Capaldi [T] / Ian Rimmer [S] / Philip John Taylor [S] |
5.3 | Zorro (O) |
1991 |
Juniorpress |
Mario Capaldi [T] / Robert L. McCullough [S] / Philip John Taylor [S] |
5.4 | Zorro (O) |
1992 |
Juniorpress |
Ron Friedman [S] / Ian Rimmer [S] / David Taylor [T] |
5.5 | Broedertwisten (O) |
1992 |
Juniorpress |
Dave Harwood [T] / Eugene Pressman [S] / Ian Rimmer [S] / David Taylor [T] |
5.6 | Gezocht: dood of levend (O) |
1992 |
Juniorpress |
Colin Fawcett [T] / Bruce Lansbury [S] / David Taylor [T] / Philip John Taylor [S] |
Einde van deze pagina.